History - Tibi dixit

Jul 22, 2021 (Daniel Eby)

Fixed an accent, and referred to a different source that I know the correct page number for as the 2012 Solesmes Gregorian Missal doesn't seem to be an option

"(c4)TI(gj)bi(j) di(j)xit(jjj//jv.jjj) cor(hj~) me(jIH)um,(h.) *(;)\r\n qu\u00e6(gh)s\u00ed(fg)vi(g) vul(g!jjh!jjj)tum(gh) tu(hkj)um,(jkjj'j) (:)\r\nvul(gj~)tum(j) tu(jIH)um(h.) D\u00f3(h)mi(g)ne(h) re(hi)qu\u00ed(gh)ram:(gh/igh.) (;)\r\n ne(g) a(i)v\u00e9r(gh~)tas(h) f\u00e1(h)ci(g)em(ef) tu(g)am(g.) a(ghG'FgvFE) me.(e.) (::)\r\n<i>Ps.</i> D\u00f3(g)mi(hj)nus(j) il(j)lu(j)mi(j)n\u00e1(k)ti(j)o(j) me(ih)a,(jjj) (:)\r\net(ig~) sa(hj)lus(j) me(j)a:(jji) quem(hg~) ti(h')m\u00e9(i)bo?(gh..) (::)"
